Thursday, September 1, 2011

Take it to a Banco

If you are one of my clients, chances are that at some time, some way I have suggested using a Banco or Banquette as they are most frequently called. I love them. Maybe it is because they often conjure ideas of lounging against colorful pillows while sipping mint tea, maybe they remind me of summer vacation cabins in Maine. Whatever the origin, I think they create comfortable seating for dining or lounging while conserving space,providing storage  and eliminating the clutter of many chair legs.
I recommended good glides or even wheels with a locking mechanism on a dining table with a banco so that those seated on the cushions can easily slide out. Here are a few I pulled out of my picture file, and a few from around the net.


Grab a cup of coffee and the  newspaper and take a seat!

1 comment:

  1. We so chic with our outdoor living room.
    Love the collection of images, are they scans? Or internets discoveries?
