Monday, April 15, 2013

All sorts of seed going on...

This week we had an especially foggy morning.. which only happens once or twice a year as my neighbor and I commented to each other in passing by the traffic circle. I took a few pictures and was especially intrigued with the octopus agave activity nearby.

Octopus agave-- agave vilmoriniana--- grows abundantly around Tucson. I don't often see them growing in the desert, but everyone seems to have one in their yard. Why?... they are very prolific propagators..

Here is one, muscling its way up a tree trunk, long articulate arms curving around its prey...
After several years, they bloom in a spectacular manner--providing ample pollen for the local bee population. 

A year or so later, the stalk breaks off and crashes to the ground.

Thousands of baby plants drop  to the soil and the wind but mostly the neighbors'  willing hands. I pulled a few off and started them in an old planter....Another year and I will move them to the garden. 

They are everywhere!

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