Friday, March 1, 2013

Spectacular February sights in Tucson

 Last week I had the opportunity to take two "newbies" (as in never been there) to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. My swanky new camera had never been there either and I had a great time taking photos of the birds!

Screech Owl-- she weighs in at less than a pound. 

Female and Male Cardinals... they breed BRIGHT out here....
It is a really good thing we went on Monday-- In shorts and bright sunshine it was a treat for our friends from Montreal. Tuesday evening started with a blizzard warning on my daughter's I phone. The next day we ventured out into a spectacular show: a full on storm in the desert. We haven't seen snow like this in twenty cooling??
Lovely hair "do" on the Santa Rita prickly pear cacti

Have a great weekend!