Monday, June 4, 2012

Nature Girl

Okay-- can' t avoid admitting it any longer. It is hot. And I have become my parents, sitting outside with a camera taking pictures of desert wildlife.  June in Tucson means the early mornings are still cool enough to have breakfast on our porch. I took a few shots of our agave  bloom and its visitors over about 10 minutes this morning. 

Full size, completely in bloom.

Upper branches, not quite open yet. 

A juvenile woodpecker. Soon to be hammering away on our gutters.


It is probably time to get back to some design posts. Soon, I promise. Have a great Monday.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Today I cleaned all 946 pictures off of my camera card in anticipation of upcoming vacations and events... I came across a photo I took along the route home from San Carlos, Sonora Mexico last weekend. The photo was taken through the car window, in passing, because I thought it was a lovely roadside mural in Hermosillo, Mexico. A closer look after I added it to my trip album revealed that it is a prayer  from the Virgin of Guadelupe, for the victims of the ABC daycare center fire June 5, 2009. Beautiful. I love Mexico, and my heart goes out to the families of the victims.

"Come to me, my little angels of ABC"