The more work I get, the more opportunity for fantastic successes come my way. Also fantastic disasters. One thing they don't tell you in design school is that the business is highly susceptible to human error. This week the beautiful, hand-picked- in-Phoenix-soapstone-in-the-perfect-color-that-matches-the most-elegant-cabinet-color-and-carefully-assorted-hand-made-tile-backsplash that had been on reserve at the stoneyard for the kitchen of an exciting remodel I am doing was cut. FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S KITCHEN. After steadying my knees I went to my favorite coffee house and felt sorry for my clients (and myself) for a while. Then I told them. They smiled and said, " Oh, it happens. We know you'll find something else." That kind of miracle calls for me to make lemonade out of lemons. I'm on it! Hopefully, so is the stoneyard that made the mistake.
RIP in small pieces in the bathrooms. |
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